
Apartman Cathy, Belgrade - Center, Carigradska

from €150 /day

from € 150 /from

About the Apartment

  • Location Belgrade - Center
  • Street Carigradska
  • Size 70 m²
  • Persons 6
  • Beds 1 x double + 2 x single + 1 x sofa
  • Bedrooms 2

Apartman Cathy - Description

Apartment Cathy is located in a new building, right next to restaurant Stara Hercegovina and to the famous Bar Djura bar Admiral Hotel and Nevski Hotel are nearby. Also, the apartment is close to the Bitef Theater. A 5-minute walk takes you to Skadarlija and to market Bajlonijeva pijaca.

The apartment can accommodate up to 6 people (2 + 2 + 2). The price is valid for up to 4 people, or for the use of bed capacity in the bedrooms. Supplement for the use of furniture in the living room is charged +20 euros per day, regardless of the number of guests

Price list

Days Price per day In Total
1 €150 €150
2 €150 €300
3 €150 €450
4 €150 €600
5 €150 €750
6 €150 €900
7 €150 €1050
8 €150 €1200
9 €150 €1350
10 €150 €1500
For more than 10 days, please contact us

The Map

Additional Equipment

  • Internet WiFi
  • Air conditioning
  • Washing machine
  • Kitchen

A/C & Heating

Air conditioning


Washing machine
Ironing Board
Hair dryer


Microwave oven

Multimedija & Internet

Internet WiFi

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Upit za rezervaciju apartmana Cathy

Reservation Inquiry for Cathy

Cathy rezervasyon sorgusu

Ako želite da rezervišete ovaj apartman, to možete učiniti popunjavanjem obrasca. Rezervacija se smatra validnom tek kada od nas dobijete potvrdu e-mailom ili telefonom.

If you want to book this apartment, you can do so by filling out the form. Reservation will be valid when we receive confirmation e-mail or phone.

Eğer bu daireyi kiralamak istiyorsanız, aşağıdaki formu doldurup gönderiniz. Geçerli rezervasyonunuz, e-posta ya da telefon ile size bildirilecektir.